About Us

Our Daddy had a big personality! I think the best way to describe his energy was similar to a Santa Claus. Seriously! He had a big smile, blue eyes and a great big belly laugh as well as a big belly from eating too many sweets. No white hair or long beard and a little more mischievous than “Santa”. He was easy going and loved life, it was something others could feel in his presence. He had a way that just made you feel seen. Isn’t it crazy how when people are gone you can look back and see things in a way you didn’t before? When something or someone is always there you know it’s special but it’s just the way things are....not till that person or moment has passed can you truly see “the forest through the trees”. With his absence Leah and I have felt a strong pull to keep his Mark Taylor spirit alive that is in us both still. 

One of Daddy’s favorite songs was Imagine by John Lennon, and from there we decided on Imagine That-Shop for our business name. I don’t see him making elf kits, his creativity was expressed in other ways, mostly thru woodwork and welding.   With Imagine That, we try to take from the pieces of what made our home fun, what ways his childlike nature gave us so many special memories we could never lose. When your kids wake up to find a disco light and the elf asking to have a family dance party that’s our intention. We are first thinking-what would bring your family special moments of fun and surprise? What would make these children look back when they are grown and think , “my parents made Christmas so special for me.”   We now understand what a gift it was to feel that love and connection as a family. It was special and because of it we felt special. We hope these kits can bring bits and pieces of this into your home and families own unique memories. Much love-Morgan and Leah